Case Study: Western Superior Structural Manufacturing
“We’re a family-run business. So once we are established and happy, we work with suppliers long-term as if they’re part of our family. That’s why for my entire 23 years here, we’ve been with Kelley Create. They’re our family.“
Vanessa Carver, Office Manager,
Western Superior Structural Manufacturing
It turns out the print button is the cornerstone of all successful building construction. Or at least, a print button that makes the wide format machine magic happen when it’s supposed to.
“Wide format printing is the lynchpin, it’s the beginning of everything,” explained Vanessa Carver, office manager at Western Superior Structural Manufacturing. “We bid for work from architectural and structural prints, they need prints at the job site to build the building, then there’s subdrawings, shop drawings, and everything else a contractor needs.”
Western Superior Structural Manufacturing supplies structural steel for commercial jobs. And to get the job done, they need wide format solutions that work — on demand — to support clients, keep their own business humming…and not go crazy in the process.
“When the printer doesn’t work, well, honestly, it’s frustration and panic,” said Ms. Carver. “We simply can’t function without our wide format machines.”
At Kelley Create, we know our architecture, engineering, and construction partners need reliable wide format equipment and software — and the supplies and service to keep it all running smoothly — so they can focus on their work, instead of worrying about downtime that costs everyone money.
“When we first moved to digital with the KIP 3000, and later with our HP PageWide and Seiko Teriostar, it was a huge change,” explained Ms. Carver. “But Kelley Create was just a phone call away, and they walked us through the onboarding. Then later, when UPS started delivering damaged, unusable print rolls, Kelley Create instantly set up a dedicated courier and we haven’t had a problem since.”
Up-time is the most valuable commodity for our wide format partners. Followed closely by peace of mind. Whether it’s helping our partners transition to the right equipment, software, and media, or providing access to local supplies when they need them, we know our outstanding service is the lynchpin to their continued business success.
“I’m pretty patient,” laughed Ms. Carver. But of course, there are people who aren’t, and having Kelley Create as a partner helps keep everyone calm. It’s nice when frustration and panic turn into relief and happiness.”
So maybe that’s it. We create comfort for our partners, which starts with treating them like family. Huh. That sounds familiar.
“We’re a close-knit family. We’re there for each other, even the guys in the shop who aren’t technically related, and especially our clients. Some of our contractors don’t take bids from anyone else, they are so undivided, like family. That’s huge, especially with how everything is in the world. They know we’ll work with them and do whatever they need. Just like Kelley Create,” concluded Ms. Carver.
Industry: Construction. Company Size: Small business. Location: Washington. Services: Wide Format Printing

“Kelley Create was just a phone call away, and they walked us through the onboarding. Then later, when UPS started delivering damaged, unusable print rolls, Kelley Create instantly set up a dedicated courier and we haven’t had a problem since.“
Vanessa Carver, Office Manager,
Western Superior Structural Manufacturing