Soaring Satisfaction: Celebrating Our Outstanding Net Promoter Score
Since 1974, Kelley Create has been on a journey of growth, innovation, and partnerships. We’re mission-driven, providing strategic advantages and business technology solutions designed to help our partners grow. With our partnership, we want to ensure we provide the best possible service and customer satisfaction. We have a system that allows us to capture feedback after every service engagement. We use the Net Promoter Score system.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the worldwide standard for measuring customer satisfaction. NPS measures customer loyalty by looking at their likelihood of recommending a particular business, where a higher score is desirable.
We’re tracking this information frequently, and YTD 2024, Kelley Create has a Net Promoter Score of 91. We’re extremely proud of our score. And our team strives every day to get that score closer to 100. This is what sets us apart. (For comparison, the average North American company has a Net Promoter Score of 30. Leaders include Amazon at 83, T-Mobile at 82, and USAA at 75.)
Check out recent feedback from our Kelley Create partners:
“Brock Owens is very pleasant and open about his troubleshooting and methodology. Characteristics very appreciated from a service technician.” – Jacob, Ketchikan Daily News, Ketchikan, AK
“Robert Kinnaird, and Charles Cook, in IT, were both so helpful! They worked together to figure out more than one issue we were having. Everything works great now!” – Grace, Sunrise Baptist Church, Puyallup, WA.
“Jason Kibbee was on to this problem quickly. He did everything he could to get things going. Always good about keeping us informed about what was happening and how to get around it.” — Austin, Water & Water & Environmental Technologies, Butte, MT