Two Commitments to the Planet: Our Initiatives
We’ve got a lot of great things going on, including two things we’re focusing on to do right by the planet. The first we want to celebrate here is the Print ReLeaf Reforestation Plan.
Kelley Create partners have collectively offset the equivalent of 12.8M letter pages of paper consumption by reforesting 1.53K trees since joining PrintReleaf in November 2014. Tree reforestation plays a critical part in mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity.
As we all learned in science class, trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thereby reducing the concentration of greenhouse gasses. Reforestation also helps to prevent soil erosion, maintain watersheds, and provide habitat for a variety of plant and animal species. Print ReLeaf plays a significant role in the Kelley Create commitment to sustainability.
The second thing we are really excited about is our toner recycling program, an effort we are doing with the Clover Imaging Group. We are practicing innovative recycling solutions as part of ISO 14001. Which is fancy terminology that simply means meeting five criteria:
- Managing our processes, materials and workforce in order to achieve continual improvement in our environmental performance.
- Integrating environmental considerations into the selection of suppliers and subcontractors, recycling processes, materials and energy usage.
- Taking steps to prevent or minimize pollution arising as a result of our activities
- Setting objectives and targets for environmental improvement and reviewing actual results to targets monthly.
- Demonstrating a commitment to full compliance with relevant legal and regulatory obligations.
We’re always looking for ways to treat Mother Earth a little better and quantify our efforts in doing so. These programs help tremendously. We’d like to also thank you, our partners, for helping us make these commitments.